Friday, May 8, 2009


Tristan has been such a cuddly, loving boy since the day he was born. He slept on my chest pretty much his whole first month and still often falls asleep there now. Of course he takes up a whole lot more room then he used to! Just look at these pictures! Such a change.

Sure love this little boy!His "excuse me, I'm trying to rest here, can you put that stupid camera away" face.

Hanging out in the swing that is really too small for him. I just can't give it up yet, it still soothes him to sleep when he's being fussy. He doesn't seem to mind though and I'm pretty sure he was watching a basketball game on the TV. Oy! He is his father's son! Except for the thumb in the mouth... that's all me! Notice the little rug burns on his knees? He doesn't seem to mind though since he can scoot to what he wants now.

1 comment:

Ryan and Janelle said...

You look so tan!!! :) Cute pictures.