Thursday, October 15, 2009


There is a great little pumpkin patch just down the road from us but Chad and I have never been until this year. We figured, since we have a Halloween baby, we should probably decorate. So we decorated the house and went and bought a bunch of pumpkins today.

Halloween Costume

In case you don't remember, Tristan was born on Halloween and because of that, he was dressed up in the nursery at the hospital before they brought him into me. He was a pirate then so we decided it would be a good costume for his 1st birthday as well. And look how adorable he is!!!!

Arrrggghhhhh Matey!

He looks so sad... but I LOVE this picture!

Tristan with his cousins, Matthew and Tyler

Happy Little Pirate!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October Fun

If you can't tell from my previous posts... it's been a busy month! Last weekend we went to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point with Ryan and Janelle. We rode a little train through the corn, slid down slides, went through the corn maze; oh, and froze our butts off!!! Haha it was cold and windy but we all had a lot of fun.


We had to take a trip to Cabella's the other day so Chad could get some things for the hunt. For those of you who've never been, it really is a cool store. They have a ton of stuffed animals as well as a huge fish tank. Tristan was having all sorts of fun running around and looking at the different animals.
I'm ready to go too Dad!
Chad and Tristan... smiling before the attack of the killer bear! ;)
He liked the deer the most. He stood here for a few minutes looking at them very closely. I told Chad I was going to teach Tristan to say, "No Daddy, don't kill BAMBI!!!" HAHA

The Little Gym

A friend recently told me about a place called the Little Gym and I decided to try it out with Tristan. It's an hour long class with kids his age and they do tumbling, hanging and different exercises. He had so much fun! I'm trying out another place this weekend so we'll see which one he likes better before deciding which one to take him to.
Playing with bubbles
So many things to play on/with and this is what fascinated him the most!
Learning how to hang on his own. He loved the teacher... even went and sat in her lap at the end of class!
Of course playing with the one girl in class.
No fear... he was off and running without me.

And the end result of all this fun? Asleep before we were even out of the parking lot!