Monday, May 4, 2009

And... HE'S OFF

Just a quick update on Tristan (mostly so I don't forget these things later on). We had his 6 month check up on Friday and he's weighing in at 19lbs, 5oz and he's 28 inches long. He's basically mastered sitting up (see the pic above) and he smiles at pretty much everyone now. Except for yesterday when a woman in the store turned around and said hello to him and he started hysterically crying! Either it was because he was tired or she was shooting off some seriously bad vibes!
And his newest accomplishment as of last night: He's Mobile! Well somewhat! ;) There was a bag on the floor about 2 feet away from him and he wanted it very badly. I had moved it away from him since babies and plastic bags just don't mix and the next thing I know, he's pushing himself towards it, stretching and pushing with his feet. Here's a video:

His favorite thing to grab and of course put promptly in his mouth is my phone. Normally I don't let him have it but it was such a good incentive to get him to crawl for the camera. :D

I have no more time tonight so I'll have to save my birthday post for tomorrow!


Condie Family said...

Wow, how cute! Crazy how they learn bit by bit and before you know it, they're walkin everywhere! Well, I sound like I'm already a parent, but I've heard it :)

Halley Carol said...

HAHAHA Well I can't say he's the most graceful thing out there (he must get that from his Mommy) but he sure is a cute little thing!! Yay for mobility...and good luck with all that!