Sunday, May 10, 2009

1st Mother's Day

This is my first official Mother's Day. :D It's been a pretty good one I must say. I woke up to my smily little boy patting me on the cheek. Chad got me a nice (singing) card and a couple gift cards (yay for Barne's & Noble!). We went to church and have just had a pretty laid back day since then. Chad and I were talking last night about Mother's Days growing up and they were very different for us. He doesn't really remember doing much for his mom but I remember tons of stuff. We usually had some project that we'd made her either in school or church. We made her breakfast in bed a few times (that was probably more work for her) and we always sang with the Primary to her in church. I can't wait to have that with my own kids! Here are a couple pictures to commemorate the day. :D
The reason I get to celebrate today... and I couldn't ask for a better reason.

1 comment:

Ryan and Janelle said...

Awe! Happy 1st Mother's Day!!! (LOVE the dress!) What a cutie (both of you). Wish we would have seen you this weekend! But hopefully this week for pictures!