Wednesday, November 28, 2007

First Sight

So the last couple of days I've had really bad back pain and feeling really crappy. I of course got paranoid and went into the doctor today. Chad had a scheduling conflict and wasn't going to be able to go but about an hour before my appointment, his appointment cancelled and he was able to come with me. I'm sure glad he did! Basically I probably have a bladder infection... oh the joys of pregnancy! But our doctor did an ultrasound just to double check on everything. The ultrasound machine was quite antiquated and couldn't even print pictures but we go back next week for the official "1st Ultrasound" and we'll get one then. But we were able to see the little M 'n M size baby growing in there and could see the heart beat just flickering away! It was so cool! Well I feel much better now about going to Disney Land next week (even though I can't ride much) and super excited for next week. It's all so amazing!

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