Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Trouble Maker

Oh for the days when Tristan was not mobile!!!! Haha he's into everything and so fast! We have been strategically placing things in his way so he can't get up the stairs or grab and pull down the game consoles, dvd player and dvr but he seems to find ways around that.

I grabbed the camera as fast as I could to catch this one, but like I said, he's fast! So I only got his descent from the couch. We've been placing the playpen between the wall and the couch so that he can't get up the stairs into the kitchen which worked for a few weeks. But Houdini has found a way to sneak past the barriers. He climbs up the MonsterSak, onto the couch, scoots across the couch to the end, grabs the edge of the playpen and swings off the couch!!! He's too smart for our good!
Here he is pulling down all the video games and proceeding to pull down the game consoles. I had placed his little walker toy at an angle in front of that portion of the entertainment center and he tried and tried to get past it from the side. When that didn't work, he just went under it and stood up on the other side, pushed the toy out of his way and went to work pulling everything down.
Some approved mischief. When visiting Chad's grandparents the other day, Tristan was getting into things he shouldn't. Basically, he found all their decorations and plants and wanted to destroy them! So Grandma took him over to the best baby cabinet ever.... the tupperware cabinet! As you can see he thoroughly enjoyed himself!


jessica nelson said...

You already have a trouble maker on your hands!! I love it!!

Tammy Anderson said...

Invest in some good baby gates. They make them in all shapes and sizes online. We also had to swap entertainment centers that had glass doors covering the components. Then we put a baby latch on them so our girls couldn't pull them open. Our big problem is when they start liking buttons and would always turn the TV off. Good luck! It really changes things when they are mobile.