Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Friends

This is Tristan and Asher, he's the son of Michelle, a friend from our ward. They crawled all over together, climbed stairs, shared some cheerios and played with each other's toys. It was his first real experience playing with another kid and as you can tell from the smile on his face, he enjoyed it! Guess I need to start setting up some play dates for him! Asher is 2 months older than Tristan and such a cutie!

On another note, I bought a cookbook called Cook Yourself Thin a couple months ago and we finally decided to try out the recipes. They are fantastic!!!! We haven't had one that we didn't like and I've started to notice that my pants are getting a little looser. Hopefully it actually works and I'll start to drop some weight because I'm getting soooo frustrated that nothing works. I lost all the weight I gained when I was pregnant with Tristan but haven't been able to lose anything since then. Fingers crossed that that will change once I stop breastfeeding. Anyway... if you're looking for some good recipes, I would highly recommend this cookbook!

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