Friday, July 17, 2009

Things In Threes

I sure hope the old adage, things come in threes is true because it has been a rough couple of weeks for the wee one. First he got croup, which as I said before, is actually not too bad since it's the first time he's been sick. But then last Friday I was woken up to Chad running up the stairs and yelling for help. He had Tristan cradled in his arms, literally foaming at the mouth and covered in pink. Chad was wearing some pants that he hadn't worn in a while and they apparently had some Tylenol and Benadryl tablets in the pockets. A few must have fallen out and Tristan found them, and like every 8 month old, put them promptly in his mouth. Fortunately he started throwing up and that's why he was covered in pink. When Chad brought him up to me I dug around in his mouth and pulled out part of a Tylenol tablet. We of course called poison control and they said that he should be alright since it was only one tablet and just to watch him. He stayed acting normal so that was a crisis averted. And then today.... I gave Tristan some freeze dried strawberries and bananas a few days ago not realizing that he couldn't have them yet (yes, stupid mom moment) and a couple days later he had a little bit of a rash on his face. It still hadn't gone away and so I called the doctor's office to see if I could give him Benadryl and they asked me to bring him in just to document it and make sure that's what it was. It's a good thing we went in because he didn't actually have an allergic reaction, he has Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. The other day we noticed that he kept playing with his tongue but thought it was just his new entertainment because he wasn't acting like he was sick or anything. Apparently he has quite a few sores/cankers in his mouth. Poor baby!!!! So now he's all doped up on Benadryl and Ibuprofen. Fingers crossed that this is it for a while!

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