Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our Little Easter Bunny

Tristan has been trying all kinds of new foods lately, bananas, peaches, applesauce, peas and most recently.... CARROTS! It seemed like an appropriate post for this weekend with it being Easter and all. He loves the fruits and seemed to like the peas at first but towards the end he kept making a disgusted face. We'll have to try them again to see if he truly dislikes them. But he got carrots for the first time yesterday and loved them. A little too much if you ask me... they were everywhere! Haha he even sneezed with a mouthful and I got sprayed. Thank heavens I was just wearing a bra or my clothes would have been ruined! This picture cracks me up... he looks a little drunk on the carrots!It was quite a cleanup operation. A simple wipe down with baby wipes would not suffice with this mess so I stuck him in the sink to hose him down. Even with scrubbing his skin had a slight orange hue to it. There were carrots everywhere, all over him (obviously!) covering his tray and high chair and of course on me. Besides the sneeze he also grabbed my arm after having stuck his hand in his mouth.