Monday, April 6, 2009

More of the Boy

Just some new pictures of Tristan. Since no one in my family lives here, they don't get to see Tristan very often (if at all) so here's some more pictures for them! He's just about into 9-12 months clothes and gives me a work out just holding him. I can only imagine how it will be when he's one! He still hasn't figured out to go from his belly to his back but he's great at the other way around. He constantly flips himself onto his belly and then gets pissed because he doesn't know how to get back. We'll let him fuss for a few minutes and then flip him back, he then promptly flips himself back to his belly. Darn kid! His newest thing is laying on his back and pushing up with his feet. He scoots across the floor a bit this way and also tries to push himself out of his swing.I just had to get a picture of this. He so did not want to be in the swing so he pushed and pushed with his feet and shoulders until he ended up like this.This is about as close as I could get to a pictuere of him smiling. Every time I pull out the camera he stops smiling and just looks at me. He's tricky!And one of him with his thumb in his mouth. He wasn't actually sleeping, he just kept blinking when the camera flashed. Apparently that problem runs in the family because I blink in pictures all the time and so does my mom!


Ryan and Janelle said...

ahhhh VERY cute photos. I still can't believe how big he's getting!

Halley Carol said...

I miss my nephew snuggling!! He looks like such a little boy. Especially the one on the couch. I'm pretty sure you didn't have a babby--just a child!