Monday, December 14, 2009

Faith of a Child

Just a cute story I thought I would share about Tristan. Yesterday in church he was of course trying to escape and could not be pacified into sitting still in Sacrament meeting. So I took him out in to the hall to run around. We walked around the building a few times and stopped in one of the foyers where there are couches and chairs. Hanging over one of the couches is a beautiful painting of Jesus Christ. I pointed the picture out to Tristan and he got the biggest smile on his face that I've ever seen. He kept pointing to the picture until I walked over and set him on the couch underneath the painting. Normally I have to tell him to be soft or not to touch but he reached up so carefully and softly touched the painting and smiled again. I asked him if that was Jesus and he looked right at me and nodded. He was so loving and tender towards the picture, it brought tears to my eyes. Seeing the look on his face, that he knew who that man in the painting was, strengthened my testimony. Oh to know what a young child knows!

1 comment:

Ryan and Janelle said...

ahhhhh!!!! that was so cute!!! made me a little teary eyed too :)