Friday, November 6, 2009

Another Nice Day... Another Outside Excursion

Since it was 75 degrees today and I didn't have my English class in the afternoon, I decided it would be fun to take Tristan to the park and let Chad work on his homework in a quiet house. So I called up my friend Mery from our ward and asked if she wanted to meet me at the park with her daughter Nova and of course she said yes. Nova is just a month older than Tristan and they get to see a lot of each other because Mery and I are in activity days together.
Riding the bouncy horse. He kept running over to play on it but wasn't quite sure what to do when I actually put him on it.
Nova's turn
A hazard of the playground... woodchips! He kept trying to eat them!
Mery and Nova sharing their snacks with Tristan. They both love the cheese-puffs.
Talking to Nova in the swing next to him.
Nova is going to be a big sister in March to a little brother. Mery keeps trying to get me to try for another. Haha not yet! Notice Nova's foot, she kept crossing her leg in the swing and refused to put it through the hole. Such a funny little girl! Also, look at how much longer Tristan's legs are compared to her... and she's a month older!
Out of the swings and right back to the horse

1 comment:

Ryan and Janelle said...

Well, only half of those pictures showed up for me for some reason! but the ones I can see are super cute! I'm glad you're cramming in fun times outside while its nice!