Monday, March 2, 2009

Chunky Monkey

Tristan had is 4 month check up today. He's growing like a weed! He is 17lbs and 6oz and 26 inches long! He's going to need a new car seat soon as well as some more clothes. He has some long legs, the pants that really fit him now are 6-9 months but he still can wear the 3-6 months tops just fine. It's fun to see how much he changes week to week. Just this last weekend he started "talking". His name means "noisy" and he's started to live up to that. Even during Sacrament meeting at church. I swear he waits until it's silent to yell! He's also started laughing a lot more now. It makes me so happy when he giggles or even just smiles at me. I think he knows that too because when I'm getting frustrated that he's crying for no reason or just being a fussy pain in the butt, he'll suddenly stop and just look at me and smile. It's hard to be mad at him when he's so darn cute!
One of Tristan's favorite things is bath time. He's such a little tadpole. He basically out grew his baby bath tub a month or more ago so I've started just bringing him in the tub with me. He LOVES LOVES LOVES it! He gets so excited when he hears the bath water running. I just hold his head out of the water and let him float. He goes crazy, kicking and splashing, pushing off the bottom of the tub and squirming all over. And if I take him out before he's ready to be done, he gets mad and pouts. He's never hated baths like all the baby books said most babies do. From the very first time, he's just kicked back and enjoyed the warm water. I took this picture on my phone because the camera was not close by and he just looked so adorable. I'm sad it's not the best quality because it's one of my favorite pics now.

1 comment:

Ryan and Janelle said...

Don't blink, or next thing you know, he'll be 20!
Thanks again for all your help this weekend! :)