He's so proud of his outfit.... Pajama pants, shorts, shirt and mom's shoes. Also his splint on his freshly broken arm. Yes, my 22 month old broke his arm, or mom helped him break it. :( I was climbing over the baby gate in our family room while holding Tristan. I stepped down on a toy and lost my balance. I fell forward and caught myself but lost my grip on Tristan with him about a foot from the ground. He didn't fall far but apparently landed on his arm funny. He has a break just above his elbow and now has a cast up to his arm pit. Needless to say I felt/feel like a bad Mommy!!! He's done pretty well with having the cast on except for getting upset because he can't play in the bathtub. It comes off in less than a week.
Don't feel bad...there are worse parents out there! ;)
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