Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Almost there

I'm now 38 weeks along with this little boy and definitely feeling it! I'm so ready to be done! The pregnancy with Tristan was uncomfortable with the horrible swelling I had but it was a piece of cake compared to how I'm feeling now. My hips/legs/back hurt so bad that I just don't want to move. As long as I stay still it's not bad but the minute I try to roll over or stand up I'm ready to cry because it hurts so bad. The things we do for our children! ;) Fortunately I have a definitive cut off date since I will be having a c-section on June 21st and that makes it much easier to deal with. One more week!!!!
I'm so excited to meet this little boy taking up all the room in my belly and kicking the crap out of my insides. Tristan is so cute about the baby in my belly. He came with me to an OB appointment and told the doctor that he had a baby in his belly too and she needed to take it out. He seems to be getting excited but we'll see what happens when Aidan is finally here. Anytime we see a baby now he asks if that's "Mama's baby".
Some other funny things Tristan's said lately:
• He keeps asking if we can go rollerblading and if I tell him we can't because if I fall it could hurt his brother he reaches out and hugs my belly and says "It's okay, I hold him tight, I keep him safe" (So cute!)
• When explaining to him that baby brother is going to get "Mama's milk", he told me, "No! I drink it all! Brother gets bottle!" (No he's not still nursing, he just thinks he's funny!)
• If I complain about Aidan kicking me, Tristan leans over and says to my belly, "Stop it brother! Stop it!"


Tammy Anderson said...

I'm glad you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Having an end date would be so nice. Tristan is going to be a cute big brother.

Unknown said...

You need to update your blog so I can see pics of your cute boys!!!! Miss you!!!!

Ryan and Janelle said...

Girl - you need to update your blog!

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