Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday to Tristan!

I can't believe I have a one year old! This past year has been indescribable! It is truly amazing to think that just one year ago I had this tiny little boy that I had waited so long to hold. He's not so tiny now! At his one year check up he was in the 95th percentile for height at 31 1/4 inches (he's grown a full 10 inches since he was born). He's walking everywhere now, climbing on anything and getting into everything!
Since his birthday is Halloween I, of course, decided to have a costume party. The whole family were pirates.
Since we were pirates, I went with a pirate theme for the invites, pinata and cake. The invites were so much work but so worth it! Message in a bottle, I made all the "maps", filled the bottle with sand and mixed in jewels.I don't have pictures of the cake yet since my camera decided to die after one picture! We have a lot of video that I won't bore you with but fortunately, Ryan was there with his handy camera and he took pictures for me. THANK YOU RYAN!!!

I sent the kids on a treasure hunt around the house and front yard to find their goody bags filled with gold coin candy, ring pops, glow sticks and other treats. They all seemed to have a blast doing it! I also made a face cut-out poster that people could take pictures in. Here's the end of the treasure hunt... the dead pirate guarding his treasure. I made the Treasure Chest too. (Yes, I know I was a little out of control)The poster... I wish I'd done it on plywood instead of cardboard because it turned out so cute!

Our house was full to the brim with friends and family. We ate cake (which is a story in itself that I will share later when I have the photos), sugar cookies, opened LOTS of presents, broke open the pirate flag pinata and had a lot of fun. All in all, it was exhausting but so worth all the work! Fun but I'm not doing this again until he's five!

Tristan and all his loot. He loves all his new toys, especially the lion from his Aunt Jen, Uncle Brandon and cousins, Matthew and Tyler. When I brought it into the room his face lit up and his mouth opened as wide as can be! He kept going over and just patting it. So cute!

Mmmm Cake! His Pirate Hat Cake w/Green Frosting (another fiasco) as you can see he made a mess but only after I prompted him by pushing his hands into the cake. He was eating so daintly before I "helped".


1 comment:

Tammy Anderson said...

Tristan is such a cute little boy. We had fun at the party. You did a great job with it!