Friday, September 25, 2009

Bike Trip

Chad had somewhere to be today so I thought I'd take Tristan on a bike ride. We rode from our neighborhood all the way to the Jordan River Parkway off of 9800 South and then took the parkway up to the play ground. Since it was past 5, we were the only ones there but it was fun just running around with him. He had his first experience on the slide and he loved it. He figured out really quickly that if I set him at the top of the slide, all he had to do was push forward a little and he'd go flying down... giggling and smiling the whole way!
Here he is at the top of the slide (I of course forgot the camera, so my phone had to do the trick... thank heavens for camera phones!)And at the bottom.And headed back to the slide as fast as his little legs could carry him.

He also discoverd that woodchips are fun to play with. Personally I'm not sure why cause they kept poking me so I'm sure they were poking him too, but he loved grabbing them by the handful and tossing them into the air.Examining the woodchipsI love this picture! He is so happy... you can just see the joy on his face!He thought it was great fun to have me chase him through the grass. He would turn around and see where I was at and then turn around and run.Our new duck friend. This duck is quite funny. We've seen him on more than one occassion at the parkway. He has absolutely no fear of anyone. The last time I saw him, I was rollerblading and pushing Tristan in the jogging stroller; the duck was sitting in the middle of the path and just expected us to go around him... didn't even move a bit when we rode past him.

Tristan liked the duck and thought it was funny when I fed him some animal crackers. The dang thing about took my fingers off, he didn't even wait for me to toss the cracker, just jumped up and took it. He then followed me around begging for more. Smart duck!

1 comment:

Tammy Anderson said...

That sounds like fun bike ride! We've been going on bike rides fequently too since I'm not allowed to run anymore. It looks like we have the same trailer but in different colors. I hope Tristan likes it as much as my girls.