Friday, September 25, 2009

Bike Trip

Chad had somewhere to be today so I thought I'd take Tristan on a bike ride. We rode from our neighborhood all the way to the Jordan River Parkway off of 9800 South and then took the parkway up to the play ground. Since it was past 5, we were the only ones there but it was fun just running around with him. He had his first experience on the slide and he loved it. He figured out really quickly that if I set him at the top of the slide, all he had to do was push forward a little and he'd go flying down... giggling and smiling the whole way!
Here he is at the top of the slide (I of course forgot the camera, so my phone had to do the trick... thank heavens for camera phones!)And at the bottom.And headed back to the slide as fast as his little legs could carry him.

He also discoverd that woodchips are fun to play with. Personally I'm not sure why cause they kept poking me so I'm sure they were poking him too, but he loved grabbing them by the handful and tossing them into the air.Examining the woodchipsI love this picture! He is so happy... you can just see the joy on his face!He thought it was great fun to have me chase him through the grass. He would turn around and see where I was at and then turn around and run.Our new duck friend. This duck is quite funny. We've seen him on more than one occassion at the parkway. He has absolutely no fear of anyone. The last time I saw him, I was rollerblading and pushing Tristan in the jogging stroller; the duck was sitting in the middle of the path and just expected us to go around him... didn't even move a bit when we rode past him.

Tristan liked the duck and thought it was funny when I fed him some animal crackers. The dang thing about took my fingers off, he didn't even wait for me to toss the cracker, just jumped up and took it. He then followed me around begging for more. Smart duck!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Child Locks... Schmild Locks!

We were good parents and child proofed the house. Not anything over the top, just enough to keep him from hurting himself. That lasted about a month!!! He has no trouble pulling the electrical outlet covers out of the outlets and he's now figured out how the child locks work (as you can see in the video).

And now he's figured out how to take off his diaper. That was one I figured would happen... but so soon? Damn smart child!
Off with the diaper!Bum cleavage! Just can't resist!
I love this picture! But he suddenly looks like a little boy instead of a baby! Where has the last year gone? Oh and you can see he's actually getting some hair, light though it may be!

Monday, September 14, 2009

State Fair Fun

Chad always says that football and the State Fair really kick off fall for him so of course we had to go to the fair this year. I was mean and didn't want to go last year since I was fat, swollen and rather uncomfortable. But this year was much better and a lot of fun. We went with Jen and Brandon and the boys and Chad's brother Jeff and his wife Jen and Chad's BFF Jake. We ate, walked around and of course looked at all the animals. Tristan loved it! He was so excited when I let him walk around and pet some of the animals. We'll definitely be going again in future years.
Tristan trying to reach the goat but it was just not cooperating.
Another goat... this one was more friendly so I had to hold Tristan back or he probably would have tried to hug/wrestle him.
He's starting to learn to pet "softly" which was a good thing for this sheep. A month ago the poor thing would have had its ear pulled and probably been smacked on the head a few times.
Mama and baby piglets... so cute! Almost makes you want one, until you take a good look at their mama and realize that's what the babies will look like shortly!

My little cowboy and a demon cow!

Monday, September 7, 2009


One of Tristan's favorite things is watermelon as evidenced by the video below. I think he would be perfectly content to exist on a diet of watermelon, bananas and cheerios! He's also learned to clap and will do it at the most random times, especially if we say "Yay!". He thinks it is so much fun!

As I've said before, Tristan also LOVES bath time. I didn't really want to give him a full bath so I stuck him in the sick to hose him off and he thought that was the greatest thing ever!