Monday, August 31, 2009

Smarter than the average bear...

As you can see by the video, the suction cup trainer plate didn't stay suctioned very well. This kid is too stinkin' strong! It came up a whole lot easier the second time (of course when I was videotaping it). The first time he had to pull pretty hard and basically just took it apart piece by piece and threw them all on the floor... including the spoon. Fortunately, there wasn't any food on it because I wanted to see what he would do with the plate. He needs to learn to eat on his own with a spoon because half the time he refuses to eat if I'm trying to feed it to him. He wants to eat things that he can pick up on his own, which is fine, but I can give him only so much watermelon, bananas, cheerios and toast. :)

1 comment:

Tammy Anderson said...

Those plates/bowls didn't work for my girls either. He'll get the hang of eating with a spoon, but until then just make sure his hands are clean and let him go at it. He'll be able to eat just about anything with his fingers!(except soup!)