Friday, May 29, 2009

Over the river and through the woods...

A couple weeks ago my mom was giving me a hard time about going out to Missouri to visit them since they hadn't seen Tristan since Christmas. I really didn't think we could afford to go but decided to check airline tickets anyway and found a killer deal that we just could not pass up ($120 round trip!). So we left last Wednesday (May 20) and stayed until this last Wednesday (May 27). It was a nice trip. Tristan had his first plane ride and did really well. Everyone kept telling me what a great baby I had (I have to agree). He basically slept the whole way there, which was good because Chad was not sitting with me and it would have been a major pain trying to wrangle Tristan without Chad there to help. He woke up for the last 20 minutes of the flight and just played peek-a-boo with the lady sitting behind me and pretty much entertained everyone sitting around us.
The day after we got there I discovered Tristan had his first tooth coming through on the bottom which by the end of the trip was being joined by a second bottom tooth. It definitely explains his recent crabbiness and bout of not sleeping through the night. He's doing much better now that they've finally popped through. He also started getting up on all fours and trying to crawl (more of lunging) but he still prefers the army crawl. We had to keep an eye on him a whole lot more. Especially with all the animals that my parents have... he loves to grab! Our dogs don't mind and theirs don't mind much either but the cats definitely don't like it! Riding on the plane... I'm not sure what is with the face he's making! These pics are actually from the trip home because I forgot to take pictures on the plane ride out there but I think they still count as his first plane ride.I ended up having to take the pictures with my phone because the stupid flight attendant kept yelling at us to turn off all electronics except cell phones. We were on the freaking ground and still couldn't turn on the camera. Whatever! Our plane landed 20 minutes early but we were still "late" because we waited on the runway for 40 minutes! It was ridiculous!
Tristan loved my parents' bathtub! He discovered how much fun it is to splash. It was a fun time for all!Tristan and his Bestefar (Norwegian for Grandpa). He doesn't even look like a baby in this picture! He's not even 7 months and looks like he should be up running around!
Tristan, Nanny and Muffin. Muffin LOVED Tristan, he would search for him any time he came in the house. He's an enormous dog (as you can see) but such a sweetie! He let Tristan just crawl on him.
His new monkey pajamas. It was a little chilly at night for him to sleep in just a diaper so we bought these for him. They are 12-18 months and almost too small. I'm wishing I bought the 18-24 months now!
So many toys to play with at Nanny and Bestafar's but his favorites were flip-flops, an empty Gobstoppers box and bags laying on the floor. We just had to put him in the bag and take some pictures!My mom and dad had lots of fun playing with the Grandson. He loved all the attention too and started giving kisses while we were there. Open-mouth, drool laiden kisses but kisses still the same! It was a fun first trip to the grandparents' house. He got to spend time with my sister and brother as well. He wasn't so sure about Evan for a while but warmed up to him in the end. Hopefully Evan will be coming in July for a visit so he'll get even more time with his uncle. Now we just have to get back to normal. :D

1 comment:

Ryan and Janelle said...

Ohhhh I love your parents dog!!! So pretty!!! haha. I can't believe Tristan has teeth!!!!? And crawling/standing/walking...geez....they grow up so fast, don't they ;)