I'm so excited to meet this little boy taking up all the room in my belly and kicking the crap out of my insides. Tristan is so cute about the baby in my belly. He came with me to an OB appointment and told the doctor that he had a baby in his belly too and she needed to take it out. He seems to be getting excited but we'll see what happens when Aidan is finally here. Anytime we see a baby now he asks if that's "Mama's baby".
Some other funny things Tristan's said lately:
• He keeps asking if we can go rollerblading and if I tell him we can't because if I fall it could hurt his brother he reaches out and hugs my belly and says "It's okay, I hold him tight, I keep him safe" (So cute!)
• When explaining to him that baby brother is going to get "Mama's milk", he told me, "No! I drink it all! Brother gets bottle!" (No he's not still nursing, he just thinks he's funny!)
• If I complain about Aidan kicking me, Tristan leans over and says to my belly, "Stop it brother! Stop it!"