Monday, September 12, 2011

Aidan's Birth Day

I've been reprimanded for not updating my blog so here you go! :)

Aidan John Coons was born just after 8am on June 21st, 2011. Aidan is a name that we've both loved for a while and had picked out for a few years (unfortunately it is now the most popular boys name) and his middle name, John, is for my Dad and Chad's Grandpa Coons.
My doctor had told me that she figured he would be about 7.5-8lbs but he surprised everyone when he came out at 9lbs, 13oz. He was 21.5 inches long (same as Tristan). He was perfect, looked just like a little doll (still is). Because of his size the nurses started calling him Bruiser which just fit. The scheduled c-section went off without any problems and recovery was soooo much better than with Tristan. Aidan was so much bigger than his big brother though that they had to cut more than my original incision line (about an inch) and now it's off center. Nothing wrong with it, it just bugs me ;)

Here he comes! That's my doc on the right and she is awesome!
That's right, 9lbs, 13oz! My little tank.
Proud Mommy with my two beautiful boys
Tristan LOVES his little brother. He's very protective of him and wants to love him all the time. It's very sweet to watch.
Perfect little doll

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Almost there

I'm now 38 weeks along with this little boy and definitely feeling it! I'm so ready to be done! The pregnancy with Tristan was uncomfortable with the horrible swelling I had but it was a piece of cake compared to how I'm feeling now. My hips/legs/back hurt so bad that I just don't want to move. As long as I stay still it's not bad but the minute I try to roll over or stand up I'm ready to cry because it hurts so bad. The things we do for our children! ;) Fortunately I have a definitive cut off date since I will be having a c-section on June 21st and that makes it much easier to deal with. One more week!!!!
I'm so excited to meet this little boy taking up all the room in my belly and kicking the crap out of my insides. Tristan is so cute about the baby in my belly. He came with me to an OB appointment and told the doctor that he had a baby in his belly too and she needed to take it out. He seems to be getting excited but we'll see what happens when Aidan is finally here. Anytime we see a baby now he asks if that's "Mama's baby".
Some other funny things Tristan's said lately:
• He keeps asking if we can go rollerblading and if I tell him we can't because if I fall it could hurt his brother he reaches out and hugs my belly and says "It's okay, I hold him tight, I keep him safe" (So cute!)
• When explaining to him that baby brother is going to get "Mama's milk", he told me, "No! I drink it all! Brother gets bottle!" (No he's not still nursing, he just thinks he's funny!)
• If I complain about Aidan kicking me, Tristan leans over and says to my belly, "Stop it brother! Stop it!"

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Singin' in the Rain

The weather has been so sporadic here in Utah the last two months that poor Tristan is about to go crazy! It will be gorgeous one day and snowing the next. I personally love the spring rain storms but am not happy about the snow. The other day we had quite the rain storm including thunder/lightning and hail. I LOVE thunderstorms and I really don't want my kids to be scared of them so instead of sitting inside cuddled up and worrying about the noisy thunder, I let Tristan put on his (adorable) fireman's raincoat and Ironman boots (which I took a lot of mocking for for buying) and grab his umbrella to go play in the rain. We stood under our patio while the hail came flying out of the air and Tristan loved that he could grab some of it and eat it. I showed Tristan the lightning and how every time he saw the flash that the thunder would soon follow so he got really excited and kept watching for it. Every time it's rained since he asks to go out to "see the thunder". As you can see, he had quite a fun time running around in the rain and we had to bribe him to come back inside and get warmed up.
He wanted to get his hair wet so he kept getting out from under the umbrella.
Showing off his awesome outfit

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Little Artist

I fell asleep on the couch for a little bit the other day. Tristan was playing and behaving at the time but he knows that if I'm asleep he can always get in to trouble. This time I woke up to him sitting next to me on the couch butt-naked and covered in marker. He was so proud of his "colors".

I pulled out the finger paints the other day because it was cold and wet outside and was trying to distract Tristan so he wouldn't keep trying to escape outside. For being so willing to cover himself in markers he didn't want anything to do with painting with his hands. He had to use popsicle sticks to paint with. I finally convinced him to put his hands in the paint and he immediately wanted to wash them off. Goofy kid!

A boy and his dogs

We make the dogs sit and stay before they go and eat. This day Tristan sat down when I told the dogs to sit.

Build-A-Bear Tradition

When I was pregnant the very first time, Chad and I decided to start a tradition; with every pregnancy we would make a teddy bear for the new baby. Tristan has his "Jazz Bear" and we went and made a "Utes Bear" for the new baby a few weeks ago. Tristan picked the outfit out all by himself and then got to make his own stuffed animal, a monkey in PJs named Banana. Hopefully Aidan loves his bear as much as Tristan has loved Jazz Bear.

Sitting in Build-A-Bear while dad pays for his new monkey and his baby brother's bear.
Zonked out in the car after a long day at the mall.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

24 Weeks

I was looking through my old posts from when Tristan was in my belly and came across a couple pics of my baby bump. I was right around 24 weeks in this pic just like in the one further down.
Prego with Tristan (July 2008)
Prego with Aidan (March 2011)
I can definitely see more of a bump this time but I think that has more to do with being 20lbs lighter than I was with Tristan. Oh and the best part about this pic is that I'm still wearing my "skinny" jeans! The ones I had finally got into after dropping 30+ pounds. It makes me feel a little better about gaining all that weight back for this baby. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's a Boy!!

I'll spare you the "boy" shot but that little skeletor grinning at you is a boy! When I first found out I was pregnant we told Tristan and asked him if it was a baby brother or baby sister and he's been adamant that it's a baby sister. I've gotten so used to the idea of the baby being a sister that I'm still trying to get used to it being a boy. But I'm excited! I always said that I would be happy with all boys because I'm afraid of the payback I might get with a teenage girl ;) Tristan seems pretty indifferent that he's going to have a brother. He keeps asking to see the pictures though and thinks he's funny. The pictures aren't that clear because he is a wiggler and did not want to hold still. Dang children!
If you've followed my blog from the beginning you know that we struggled for a long time with infertility. So when we started trying for the 2nd one I hoped it would happen quickly but was resigned to the fact that it might take a while. But miraculously we got pregnant with this baby the first month of "trying". Needless to say we're so happy and excited.
Right now this little one is due July 4th but that due date could change. He's measuring about a week and a half further along then they originally thought so I have to go back in a month for another ultrasound so they can measure him again. I'd be happy if I could have him earlier in the summer, rather than later but either way works.