Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Here comes Tristan!!!!

Well he's definitely a boy! And quite proud of the fact as well! This is the first shot we got as soon as the Ultra Sound tech put the wand on my belly.

Just in case you are not proficient in reading ultrasounds the important part is that little thing sticking out of the crescent moon shape. Haha and I just realized that referring to it as a little thing could be seen as offensive to him later in life! Sorry the pictures aren't very good, I took them off the U.S. with my phone because my scanner isn't working at the moment. Here's another good one of him waving (he did that a lot).

He kept showing us his hands. The tech said that it's pretty rare that they stretch out their fingers like he was doing, I guess they normally keep their hands in fists. He wasn't being very cooperative about showing us his profile though. He kept looking right at us so we have a couple "Skeletor" type pictures but not a very clear profile shot. If he's being this stubborn already I'm in trouble!

In case you can't tell, that's his face in the upper right corner with his hands on either side. haha he's playing peek-a-boo already! Just a little creepy but still very cool.

Chad and I went and worked on some registry stuff today. It was fun being able to pick out the boy stuff. Chad was enjoying himself getting "his boy" all kinds of sports stuff. Very sweet! This is going to be so much fun!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Drum Roll Please

I know you've all been waiting for the verdict and I've been horrible about blogging so.... the doctor is 90% sure we're having a little boy!!! :) When we went in for our ultrasound 2 weeks ago it was actually too early for them to do the full medical check through the ultrasound so they told us no go. We were pissed! And not just because we were so excited to find out the sex but because they didn't let us know until we were at the doctor's office for the appointment. Our doctor felt bad because it was her adding error that had us come in too early so she suckered the ultrasound tech into doing a quick (and free) ultrasound to see if we could see if the baby was a boy or girl. First off, he was sleeping and he is definitely my child. When the U.S. Tech pushed the wand on my stomach trying to get the baby to move, he threw his arm up like "Leave me alone!" haha Soooo my child! I've been calling the baby he/him/Tristan since the appointment so it would be pretty funny if we went in on Thursday and they said, just kidding, it's a girl. He wasn't being very cooperative but the tech was able to get him to move enough that she said she's almost certain it's a boy. So we go back this Thursday for the "official" ultrasound. They'll do all the health stuff they need to to make sure the baby is good and healthy and we'll get pictures then. Chad was disappointed for maybe half a second that they didn't say girl but now he's super excited. I am too.I must admit that I think I'll do better with a boy then I would with a girl... especially once they reach the dreaded teenage years! Looks like I'll be changing my page to something with blue.

I also started my new shift last week. It's not horrible but it's not easy yet either. It is currently 4:35 a.m. and I'm trying to stay awake. I'm good as long as I stay busy but if I let up I get drowsy. And it's not like I haven't gotten enough sleep because I definitely did yesterday... I think my body is still on my old schedule and it's going to take a couple more weeks before this feels normal. Monday's are pretty much always going to be hellish because I have to get back up at 9 a.m. for a meeting with my team. I don't have to go in or anything, it's just over the phone but a lot of the time it's kind of pointless and I'd much rather be sleeping. Today/Yesterday was horrible: I worked my normal shift, so 11pm to 7am and then one of our sales people set up a phone conference with one of my clients from 7 to 8 and by the time that was over, there wasn't any point in me trying to get some sleep before the meeting so I just stayed up. I didn't end up getting to sleep until around 10:30 or so. This poor baby is going to be so confused! Oh well... it's all worth it in the end!